Better road safety and conditions for professional drivers around Europe
ALDE vice-president Izaskun Bilbao Barandica was overall satisfied with the outcome of the enhanced version of the Initial qualification and periodic training of drivers of certain road vehicles for the carriage of goods or passengers directive. This will regulate the training and update of skills of goods drivers, in order to improve traffic safety in the EU. This directive aims also to decrease emissions and facilitate transport of goods within the Single Market.
The renewal of this directive, voted today, was implemented to incorporate new skills derived by technological evolution of the transport sector to these processes, avoid inconsistencies in the current legislation and adapt better strategies and training techniques to the needs of professional drivers. These were the main issues spotted by Bilbao, who is ALDE’s shadow rapporteur on this amending directive.
“More traffic safety, less emissions, and more competitive role for professional drivers thanks to this amended directive that will improve their conditions”, says Bilbao.
Other topics such as the dangers of driving under extreme weather conditions or in very congested areas, or establishing a mandatory common training for professionals, including those coming from third countries, are key points to secure drivers safety and prevent social dumping. The directive also aims to unify criteria when implementing new technologies and communication tools in vehicles and push for cleaner transport systems.
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