Liberal and Democrat MEPs push for European Parliament debate on Italian budget

Renew Europe
2 min readNov 14, 2018

Following the Italian Government’s decision to send an unamended draft budget for 2019 back to the European Commission overnight, ALDE MEPs have decided to formally request a plenary debate to be added to the European Parliament’s plenary on the draft budget proposals submitted by the Italian coalition.

The European Commission warned last week that the Italian Government’s spending plans could push the country’s deficit to 2.9% of GDP next year, as opposed to the government’s prediction of 2.4%, which is already in excess.

Caroline Nagtegaal MEP, a prominent member of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee responded to developments this morning:

“I am deeply concerned by the failure of the Italian Government to heed the warnings outlined by the European Commission and others. The Italian Government repeatedly claims it would “respond to the needs of the Italian people” not the EU, but this belies the fact that the people of Italy are EU citizens and Italy is a key member of the Eurozone that is too big to fail. What Italy needs is not ever more spending but serious reforms that deliver on creating jobs and raising productivity.

“The populist parties that make up the Italian Government are putting Eurosceptic- laced politics above the economic interests of both the Italian people and the broader Eurozone. It is important this potential crisis is debated democratically at a European level and I would call on other political families within the European Parliament to support our request.”

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