Renew Europe: New opportunities open for youth, education and culture
by Roxana Lazarescu
Renew Europe reaffirms its strong support for culture and education, as the European Parliament adopted the Creative Europe Programme, Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programme.
Our MEPs fought vigorously and successfully for on an increased budget for these initiatives that aim at providing much-needed support to the European cultural and educational scene, greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Renew Europe representatives are especially proud to have the Creative Europe programme, which supports culture and audio-visual sectors, focus on inclusion and gender equality.
Monica SEMEDO (Independent, Luxembourg) is shadow rapporteur on the Creative Europe Programme:
“The Creative Europe Programme has taken a big step forward to guarantee better inclusion, equality and participation, especially for people with disabilities and persons from marginalised groups. With the budget increase of 600 million Euros, we will support and foster the European Cultural sector”
As for Erasmus+, Renew Europe made sure that this flagship programme will be more democratic, more inclusive and greener.
The project will now also allow sport staff, adult learners, pre-school teachers and early childhood education staff to be involved in learning and mobility projects, exchanges, strategic partnerships and innovative initiatives.
Laurence FARRENG (Renaissance, France) is shadow rapporteur on the Erasmus+ Programme
“Neither social condition, financial difficulties, distance from major urban centres, or disability should prevent anyone from benefiting from Erasmus +: the European Parliament fought for it, and that is our promise with this new programme.10 million people will benefit from Erasmus + in the next 7 years. Whether you are an apprentice, a high school student, an adult learner, a trainer, a student, a teacher, a trainee, you should be able to benefit from this life-changing experience and develop your skills.”
The adoption of the European Solidarity Corps programme will allow young people increased access to all kinds of volunteering activities while setting health, safety and insurance policy standards that aim to ensure the learning experience is truly meaningful.
Here also, Renew Europe insisted on inclusivity. We want all participants to benefit from valuable experiences and thus, ultimately, to feel an essential part of the European Union. And, from now on, the programme will also cover activities in countries outside the EU.
Irena JOVEVA (Lista Marjana Sarca, Slovenia) is RE shadow rapporteur on the European Solidarity Corps Programme
“I am thrilled we have approved the new ESC after long negotiations. The new program will add a new dimension to volunteering as we also added the humanitarian volunteering aspect. The new program will be more inclusive, more accessible, more resilient, and provide more safety for participants and ease also to the participating organisations. My warm call to use the chance and board this experience while contributing to the community and growing personally”.