The Week Ahead 08–14 April 2019
Committee week at the European Parliament in Brussels with debates on terrorism and migration and the Common Agriculture Policy reform package.
The Civil Liberties Committee will vote on a legislative proposal that would oblige internet providers to remove terrorist content within one hour following an order from authorities. The draft bill would introduce sanctions of up to 4% of companies’ global turnover.
LIBE Members will also vote on an update of the 2008 Return Directive, which sets common procedures in member states for returning non-EU irregular migrants such as border procedures, time limits for appeals and minimum detention period.
Agriculture Committee members will conclude a series of votes on the CAP reform package with the third and final vote on the Horizontal Regulation with MEP Ulrike Müller as rapporteur on this file.
Committee on Budgets & Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection host a joint debate on combatting customs fraud.
ALDE hosts a transatlantic discussion on Cuba and Venezuela, chaired by MEP Pavel Telička, with the participation of Cuban and Venezuelan experts and human rights activists.
ALDE Group President Guy Verhofstadt will participate in a seminary organized by the European Parliament to discuss the latest updates on Brexit.
The Committee on Petitions will have a debate on several topics like transport, fundamental rights, internal market, health and consumer’s rights, education and disability and environment.
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